Stata global varlist

Stata global varlist. What follows is relevant only if you are using Stata/SE or Stata/MP. whatever if foreign == `i'. Technical note by repeats the stata cmd for each group defined by varlist. 44–46. g. ado in Getting access to the Stata data in your plugin. or it can be all variables starting with a certain prefix. What I have been struggling is that when using foreach var of varlist and then looping through, it goes through the values. arrays. Apr 18, 2021 · The maximum allowed length is 645,216 characters, which is calculated on the basis of set maxvar. 3. This is a sort of typical applied statistics-type program where everyone writes their own code and project sizes are on the small side, so it can be hard for people to see the Jan 22, 2021 · Loop through the variables. In order to perform a wald test in stata, you can simply use the “test” command. Nov 16, 2022 · foreach offers a way of repeating one or more Stata commands; see also [P] foreach. a-. race . Dear Miros Lav, I salut your intent to use arrays for that, indeed you can do it with. Also see browse in [D] edit. I wanted to use a global macro to assign a variable list, and called the list with the foreach var of varlist command. Baum(2009) provides a wealth of practical knowledge related to Stata programming. the 4 lines in the example below). com rename group — Rename groups of variables SyntaxMenu DescriptionOptions for renaming variables Options for changing the case of groups of variable namesRemarks and examples Stored resultsAlso see Syntax Rename a single variable rename old new, options 1 Rename groups of variables rename (old 1 old 2:::) (new 1 new 2:::), options 1 Jul 15, 2021 · Stata备忘录 . Varlists are a special notation, such as "id m* pop*", which is a shorthand way of specifying a list of variables; see [U] 11. Nov 3, 2015 · The essential differences between global macros and local macros can be summarized in two points. ( all) or (*) can be used to specify all numeric variables in the dataset. Adornment, however, plays not specifies that the variables in varlist not be listed. local keep make price sales. 其中,foreach和forvalues都可以看作是while循环的变种。. So i wanted to create a local variable with all variables, and then loop over all varialbes by calling up that local. 命令及获取 Feb 13, 2018 · Specification 3: regress var4 var1 var3 (Similarly with var5 and var6 as dependent variables too) I tried something like this for Specification 1 : local regressors1 var1 var2 var3. dta: Code: sysuse auto, clear. display "`vlist1'". Because float is the more precise storage type, the resulting dataset, oddeven. 2A shortcut to your home directory 11. The default is to list all the variables in the dataset or, if varlist is specified, the variables specified. Nov 16, 2022 · Understand that whenever Stata wants a varlist it can be a list of variables, such as. Given that you want only one var from. The if qualifier would do no harm but you get the same result without it. 相关推文. Let's say your 60 variables can be generally listed with the expression EXP. 1 Overview With few exceptions, the basic Stata language syntax is by varlist: command varlist =exp if exp in range weight, options where square brackets distinguish optional qualifiers and options Hi all, I am trying to do some code over a selection of variables in a dataset. Jan 21, 2019 · Welcome to the Stata Forum / Statalist, Please type - help factor - and check the correct command. Loop through the macro and tabulate each movie name with a third variable. order <varlist> ,依照 <varlist> 的順序從頭排序變數,option , after (<var just alphabetizes varlist, and the movement of varlist is controlled by the other option. J. Reprinted in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. For extended introductions with detailed examples, seeCox(2002) andMitchell(2020, chap. probably trivial for those more familiar with Stata macros than I am, The newlist keyword replaces varlist and tells Stata to check that all the list elements are legal names of variables that don’t exist already. The list is expanded according to standard variable abbreviation rules, and the existence of the variables is confirmed. 在使用 Stata 运算时,每个人或多或少都曾遇到过变量繁多、程序复杂,让人眼花缭乱,以及不断做重复性步骤,降低工作效率。. Sun, 4 Mar 2012 14:50:04 +0530. do the coefficients in the outcome equation represent the estimated marginal effects of the regressors in the underlying regression equation (as mentioned in Stata -Heckman- manual)? Oct 21, 2013 · In the foreach loop, Stata returns an error: too many variables specified. local RHSVARS = "var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var9 var10 var11 Nov 7, 2014 · Using varlist of single datasets as global macro. Options system specifies that only system-defined variable lists be shown. Jun 24, 2018 · 1. 1 There are two types: local and global. Please read again the FAQ, particularly the advice to inform "exactly" what you typed. You pass arguments to your do-files by adding the arguments to the run or do command line. The double quotes are wrong in this context. Global macros, once defined, are available anywhere in Stata. I usually use compound quotes ( `" and "') when displaying the content of local macros just in case the local macro itself contains quotes, and I usually display it between Apr 2, 2015 · 1 Answer. This works fine if I run the entire . Nov 18, 2019 · But the problem here is, I cannot list all the names of the X variables that I want to import because there are just too many of them. > > After > > unab vars : <varlist> > di `: word count `vars'' > > you get to see how many variables there are. I made the program to have a unique argument, "outcomes", and then I insert the first argument for the code as a local containing two variables, "x" and "y". Aug 10, 2010 · Technically you can't create and stor a varlist. (meaning all variables named " rep " followed by something), or it can be a range of variables. Syntax. Jan 29, 2010 · Wald test. dta, had number stored as Oct 22, 2015 · If you want to label all the variables the same thing, for example "dog cat bird", Then you can use the varlist option for the describe command. Note also that as in Roberto's answer the correct term is local macro although local often suffices in Stata contexts. Quick start. Jan 31, 2020 · This local can be created by means of the ds command. Now I want to calculate the number of missing values of each observation as a new variable as. The command local tells Stata to keep everything in the command line in memory only Dec 18, 2018 · 在Stata学习中,local局部宏命令以其灵活性与适用性,极大简化了软件程序。. Also see [D] clear — Clear memory [D] varmanage — Manage variable labels, formats, and other properties [U] 11 Language syntax bail out when it gets too arcane for you. First, you cannot abbreviate variable names; that is, you have to type displacement rather than displ. 我在此整理:. statalist@hsphsun2. Create a macro that contains a unique list of names from both variables. Dec 1, 2020 · Stata v16. 10 Advanced global macro manipulation. 18. If you want even more, we offer courses over the Internet on Stata programming; see [U] 3. list. But let me add that the use of global macros for this purpose is unwise. Dec 29, 2015 · Using fixed names for an object in Stata memory or in global Mata memory should be avoided, because you can overwrite users’ data. The command global tells Stata to store everything in the command line in its memory until you exit Stata. This is how you refer to a local macro: `localmacro'. local tokeep : list vars & keep. foreach lname of varlist list {:::} gives list the interpretation of a varlist. An easy one can be seen in. Nov 16, 2022 · Title. You can do that with the unab command, see help unab. Technical note mkmat provides a useful addition to Stata’s matrix commands, but it will work only with small datasets. list rep*. global vars `vars' to put them in a global. Per previous questions posted on this topic, my first thought was that I had a variable name with a space in it in the lowess command using var (i. foreach x of varlist diagnosiscode2-diagnosiscode15 {. foreach y of global regressant and foreach x of local regressor1 {. Dear colleagues, I have been struggling for an hour or so with this problem, which is. To. But I don't (you can see all elements of this global in the code above). 25 Nov 2016, 02:50. label var `variable' "dog cat bird". do file which transforms a series of datasets using Stata 13. Passing arguments to do-files. This occurs within a loop, so I am trying to concatenate two macros, do some things to my data, and then go to the next row and concatenate the two macros again, which now take on different values. 1. 6append— Append datasets The number variable was stored as a float in odd. The maximum line length is defined as 16 more than the maximum macro length, which is currently 645,200 characters. generate f`v' = `v'*(9/5)+32. Global macros are subject to name clashes with global macros defined in other programs that are running. Use . College Station, TX: Stata Press. B. Description. Aug 10, 2017 · If you really want to generate all the sets in one local, then I suggest using a different separator between variables within a local, e. N. harvard. 在目前工作中,用stata清洗及分析数据,感觉很顺滑。. >> >>local depvar=word("`varlist'",1) >> >>local indepvar=substr For more examples, see [U] 11. Also, no comma between variables. I generate a global variable called outcome, because eventually I will use another outcome. The general steps I have in mind: 1. 喵吃猪 关注 cons3 str1 cons4 1 A A B C 2 A A A A 3 B C D A 4 A B D D 5 E B S C end # 手动导入数据 local a = 1 display `i' global Aug 20, 2016 · I need to loop through all of the movie names, but only once per name. William Gould and Mia Lv, StataCorp. The missing values are decoded to . Use input to type in your own dataset fragment that others can experiment with. I have three variables varA, varB and varC. First, locals are called starting with the "`" (key to the left of 1 on US keyboards) and ends with "'" (key to the left of enter on US keyboards). May 23, 2021 · 1 Answer. For instance, ds pop*, not specifies that all variables not starting with the letters pop be listed. the first word of the varlist-string, and a local that >>contains all the rest and can be used as a varlist of only the independent >>variables. There is only one global macro with a specific name in Stata, and its contents can be accessed or changed by a Stata command executed at any Stata level. See [U] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands for more capabilities of estimation commands. 7References 11. 接下来,我们将从暂元 (macros) 的定义、种类 Do not confuse varlist with list. reg `y' `x'. * This tests whether productivity of firms’ share of part-time employees equals productivity of firms’ share of full-time employees. list rep* (meaning all variables named " rep " followed by something), or it can be a range of variables. Jan 25, 2020 · 1. local new_only: list new_list - previously_specified. test fteptaa124 = fteftaa124. If no varlist is specified, the values of all the variables are displayed. 7. They are great for transient tasks in a script. Understand that whenever Stata wants a varlist it can be a list of variables, such as. , the elements of controls2 ). > > If you go > > . The variables flightnum and tailnum do not exist (or at least if they do, they were created in some part of the code that you don't show. Now if I want to call the list again to add the same label to all three variables: label var `v1' "testvaraible". 带着学习和分享的目的,根据工作经验,给大家整理一些常用以及不太常用但很有用的命令,并对该命令的help文件进行有侧重的详解。. Signalling -var- ensures that an abbreviated varlist is unabbreviated, but -ds- does that for you. But this such a great example that let's do it with a foreach loop over a varlist anyway: foreach oldname of varlist * {local newname=lower("`oldname'") [U] 1 Read this—it will help5 1. ) drawnorm $newvarlist, mean(b`c') cov(V`c Feb 27, 2012 · Since Stata actually cares about case, upper case variable names can be tiresome to work with. di "${var`j'}" Although similar items would be called variables in other languages, global macros are not regarded as variables in Stata, as variables are (only) variables, meaning columns in the dataset. . local stubs : subinstr local vars "97" "", all In other words, each occurrence of "97" is replaced by an empty string; that is, they are removed. Jun 10, 2015 · Using varlist multiple times in Stata. However if I only want to run the 3rd regression, by first running a CTRL-D on the first line 11. Once expanded, however, a varlist is a list. >>Therefore I create a local that contains the name of the dependent >>variable, i. mymean7 uses temporary names for objects stored in Stata memory. This might work for you global varlist "x_ y_ z_" forvalues c=1/5 { global newvarlist=subinstr("$varlist","_","_`c'",. Code: local sets "x1 x1!x2 x1!x2!x3". foreach variable in `r(varlist)'{. Nov 3, 2015 · Hi all, I fitted my model using both Maximum Likelihood estimator(MLE) and two-step estimator by -Heckman-. 4 varlists. One common pattern is to cycle through all values of a classifying variable. do file (i. 2 by varlist:, [U] 11. testparm provides a useful alternative to test that permits varlist rather than a list of coefficients (which is often nothing more than a list of variables), allowing the use of standard Stata notation, including ‘-’ and ‘*’, which are given the expression interpretation by test. Describe your dataset. Use list to list data when you are doing so. 1 Video example PDF documentation in Stata 1. foreach lname Jul 7, 2023 · Hello. Now I want to replace the variable graduate if a condition relative to global is met, but I get an error: My code is: global outcome "graduate_secondary" gen graduate=. 2 Net-Courses. #3. However, I am getting error Oct 22, 2021 · Dear all, I have ssc installed cluster2, but cannot run the code, it shows "varlist not allowed" ssc install cluster2 use C:\Users\hkpu\Desktop\RA\RA\t3. list displays the values of variables. local macro. Thu, 2 Dec 2010 16:52:39 -0500. 我们 Cox, N. display "`tokeep'". The term "local variable" is thus to be avoided. I want a series of final datasets containing 3 Sep 9, 2015 · It's Stata's recommendation: "Global macros are rarely used, and when they are used, it is typically for communication between programs. Mar 7, 2019 · In the future, please post your example data using dataex as well as the code as seen in your do file, not the Stata terminal. One interesting variation is the creation of a local containing all variables except Macros come in two types, global and local. I am having a lot of trouble, I think mostly because of the spaces in the movie names. Now for your code, you have three problems. Code: unab varlist : urb7_*_text1 urb7_*_text2 urb8_*_text1. You will learn things about Stata that you may find useful even if you never write a Stata program. A macro in Stata begins with the word “global” or “local”. describe <varlist> > > r(k) contains the number of variables in <varlist>. foreach x of varlist mpg weight-turn {:::} has four elements, mpg, weight, length, and turn, because list was given the interpretation of a varlist. e Alternatively, we can use the foreach command to achieve the same goal. 7 Explicit subscripting. Line 8 puts temporary names into the local macros b, V, and Oct 16, 2018 · Here's one way:, illustrated in the auto. I assume this is a problem with how I am nesting the loops, or even something simple as how string variables are used here. STATA 指令眾多,難免有些我難以歸類或來不及介紹的。. Thus, with the auto data, we could cycle through all the values of foreign or rep78 . 在之前的推文中,我们也对local的部分用法做了简单介绍。. foreach lname in j of listtype list { commands referring to `lname' } Allowed are. unab vars: _all puts the names in the local macro `vars'. Jun 24, 2018 · The key is using a macro list function to select variables that appear in both the list of variables to keep and the list of variables in the dataset. Macros can be local and global. 10, pp. For instance, if we had data on automobiles and wished to obtain means according to market category (market) broken down Jan 11, 2017 · So that's easy for you to fix. 4 Time-series varlists. edu. st: Re: Accumulating variable names to exclude from a varlist. There are various work-arounds for this. list length turn . what the user typed, exactly as the user typed it. 1 data pane using the dark theme. h. Local macros only work in the current do-file or program. 2 Example datasets Various examples in this manual use what is referred to as the automobile dataset, auto. just alphabetizes varlist, and the movement of varlist is controlled by the other option. di c(k Oct 1, 2013 · Currently, I'm using many different globals to store the names of the many regressors that I am using but I would much prefer to keep them all in one. containing a total of 346 variables. So I am trying to use the property that, in my Stata dataset, all the X variables that I want to use in analysis starts from the column where the variable -"t_EXCLAMATIONMARK"- is located all the way to the last column. You should never use a global macro where a local macro would suffice". We can see that ds stored the variable list into r (varlist). org . Line 17 stores the number of variables in the local macro varlist into the local Title stata. ) Jul 15, 2019 · 006 Stata循环:foreach. See help on -macro-. [ Date Prev ][ Date Next ][ Thread Prev ][ Thread Next ][ Date Index ][ Thread Index ] [by varlist:] summarize [varlist] [in range] [if exp] , [options] Understanding the overall syntax of Stata commands helps you remember them and use them more effectively, and it also aids you understand the help files in Stata. The new definition is the previous definition, plus the new item . Aug 14, 2017 · I'm simply trying to concatenate two macros, but I keep getting a varlist not allowed error, even though I am not calling a varlist. forval t = 1/3 {. foreach x of varlist mpg weight {summarize `x'} must define list type VARIABLES Use display command to show the iterator value at each step in the loop foreach x in|of [ local, global, varlist, newlist, numlist ] {Stata commands referring to `x' } list types: objects over which the commands will be repeated forvalues i = 10(10)50 {display `i'} May 31, 2020 · I am working with Stata. In recent conversations with fellow students, I have been advocating for avoiding globals except to store constants. The contents of global macros are defined with the global command and those of local macros with the local command. dta data file. by, collect, fp, rolling, statsby, and xi are allowed; see [U] 11. 5 by varlist: construct, and [U] 13. Local macros have a temporary scope, only existing within the specific command or do-file where they’re defined. Hi, I was trying to do the following with the following command: recode stress_total_num (0/7=1 “Stress normal”) (8/9=2 “Stress mild”) (10/12=3 “Stress moderate”) (13/16=4 “Stress severe”) (17/max=5 “Stress extremely severe"), generate (stress_severity_grp) label (stress_severity_grp Feb 20, 2018 · For a description of how these lines create the local macro varlist, the sample-inclusion variable contained in the local macro touse, and the local macro in that contains any user-specified in range, see the discussion of mylistc. dm89: Dropping variables or observations with missing values. I attempted to first replace "missing" with NA in all three variables then add a label to all three variables. local both: list new_list & previously_specified. commands referring to `lname'. Stata Technical Bulletin 60: 7–8. x1 x1!x2 x1!x2!x3 and then using the subinstr () function to remove the separator on the go. Stata limits matrices to no more than matsize matsize, which means a maximum of 800 800 for Stata/IC and 11,000 11,000 for Stata/SE and Stata/MP. ds price-length. foreach lname in any list { foreach lname of local lmacname { foreach lname of global gmacname { foreach lname of varlist varlist { foreach lname of newlist newvarlist { foreach lname of numlist numlist { Braces must be specified with foreach, and. 暂元 (macros) 使用技巧. Unfortunately, I've been running into some problem. local localmacro = exp. List only data in variables v1, v2, and v3 list v1 v2 v3. Léandre BASSOLE wrote: > Dear all! > I would like to know how can I put all my variables in > one global like " global A " _all " which does'nt > work. I have a few questions: For MLE, (1). Re: st: Referencing individual elements of (local) macros. For example, here is a varlist in sequential order: a x7 x8 x70 x80 z. local vlist1 `vlist1' `item'. Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist. 10 Prefix commands. If you open another data set before exiting, the global macro will still be in memory. To make bar graphs where each continent is differentiated in terms of color, each continent needs to be a different variable. local previously_specified headroom trunk turn. sequential alphabetizes varlist, keeping variables with the same ordered letters but with differing appended numbers in sequential order. 2. 6Filenaming conventions 11. Subject. Your issue here is that you need to use Code: So I guess the best way to do it would > be: > > global count: word count `varlist' > > thanks again > Ali > > > After > > . list length turn. foreach i in 0 1 {. The varlist in the describe using syntax differs from standard Stata varlists in two ways. I checked manually whether those variables contain missing values and it turned out they do. 1 Description I need to access them seperately in my ado-file. } Or you can store a varlist in a local or global macro. deletion parallels missing-value handling in most Stata commands. I would like to store the name of the variable. varlist is moved to the beginning of the dataset. Global macros, on the other hand, persist across different commands and do-files until the Stata session ends. Stata recently gave the rename command the ability to convert names to lower case: rename *, lower. dta. 4. Apr 3, 2011 · Examples of the perils of globals in R and Stata. 3. Here, the expression following the equals sign is evaluated, i. Jan 25, 2021 · 如何利用stata遍历所有变量名 第一种方式 sysuse auto,clear foreach v of varlist _all { dis "`v'" } 第二种方式 ds foreach v of varlist `r(varlist)' { dis "`v'" } 第三种方式 findname foreach v of varlist `r(varlist)' { dis "`v'" } rowmiss (varlist) doesn't count although varlist contains missing values. local vars `r(varlist)'. Code: sysuse auto, clear. A second way is: global x = 2 * 5. } Allowed are. A varlist just a list. alpha specifies that the variables be listed in alphabetical order. dta, clear Jun 8, 2015 · 11k 1 22 23. Notice what this really does: redefine local vlist1 each time around the loop. foreach lname in any_list {. 无奈不少同学因为help文件里的英文望而却步。. depvarlist and varlistexog may contain time-series operators; see [U] 11. In contrast, each Stata level can have a local macro of a specific name, and each one’s by variable list when (varlist) is specified strok allow string variables when (varlist) is specified nolstretch do not stretch the width of the table to accommodate long names collect is allowed with vl list and vl dir; see [U] 11. Store the name of the variable to a local. local new_list `r(varlist)'. 2001. Then: qui des EXP, varlist. Words in Macros Two other variants loop over the words in a local or global macro; they use the keyword global or local followed by a macro name (in lieu of a list). The original datasets contain a list of time series about the same object for different subjects, with the name of each variable representing the subject unique ID. mymean7 does not put anything in global Mata memory; all computations are done using objects that are local to the Mata function mymean_work(). Use the advanced editing options to appropriately format quotes, data, code and Stata output. More information can be found in other sections of [U] 18. Source: [U] 18. Whatever the terminology in other software local macros are not regarded as variables in Stata, that term being reserved for fields or columns in the dataset. Author. Note that the left side is a backtick The foreach syntax for a varlist is different and starts with foreach x of varlist instead of foreach x in . of variables separated by white space. Same as above, but include only the first 10 observations and suppress numbering. 3 Macros and in [P] macro. foreach var of varlist age gender income race {. foreach y of local levels. Nov 19, 2015 · Line 13 uses matrix accum to put (X′X) and (X′y) into a Stata matrix named zpz, as discussed in Programming an estimation command in Stata: Using Stata matrix commands and functions to compute OLS objects and further illustrated in lines 14–15 and example 6. ds a b c, not foreach var in `r(varlist)' { } You could go foreach var of var `r(varlist)' { but I can't see any advantage in that. Date. If stata cmd stores results, only the It unabbreviates a varlist and puts the result in a local macro. You can change that in Stata/SE and Stata/MP. Nov 16, 2017 · Invalid varlist (rule)? 16 Nov 2017, 01:15. 1. replace category = 1 if `x' = `y'. foreach set of local sets {. Jul 8, 2020 · 1 Answer. Example: age gender income. Let’s have a look at the help file for summarize. 两者的区别在于foreach跟的对象可以是宏、变量名和文件名等,而forvalues跟的必须是数字。. This is a real problem because you can't always know what other programs are running when you run your code. exactly!" 3. The first time around the loop vlist1 is empty, but vl drop (varlist), system user Clear all variable lists vl clear, system user vlnamelist is a list of variable-list names. Options system when specified with vl drop (varlist), drops the variables in varlist only from system-defined variable lists. Local and global macros. Here, "global" is the Stata command to define a global macro, "x" is the name of the global and "this-and-that" is what is stored under the name of x, and will substitute x whenever x is invoked. Macro names are up to 32 characters long for global macros and up to 31 characters long for local macros. replace `v1'="NA" if `v1' =="missing". 2. foreach lname {in|of listtype} list {. Now, let’s create a local named allvar that will contain all variables of this data set. list mpg-weight. 为使大家对该命令有个更加系统的认识,我们分四大模块,总结local的用法差异,逐步揭开局部宏的“面纱”。. 1A special note for Mac users 11. 5by varlist: construct 11. unab vars : *97 Then we zap all the occurrences of the suffix "97": . Adornment, however, plays 4st global()— Obtain strings from and put strings into global macros Stata component/action function call r() results macro obtain contents contents = st global("r(name)") Sep 4, 2021 · 雜項功能. This is the best way to entail an insightful reply. Paul Lin, StataCorp. The first goes like this: global x this-and-that. e. Oct 24, 2019 · I'm trying to enter a list of variables as an argument for a program. Dec 10, 2015 · I want to define a group of variables to use in a number of different regressions. This appends the contents of the local, along with the new item, to the local itself. dta but as a byte in even. Stata does not have a && operator: it is just a single &. `0'. Stata will save the extra arguments in the numbered macros so that you can access them. See help macrolists for details. display `"`new_list'"'. di `"|`varlist'|"'. List the data in memory. Nov 25, 2016 · Posts: 3188. 其实,Stata 中的暂元 (macros) 以有效解决这些问题。. Here is an example using the lifeexp. The varlist in by varlist: may contain up to 32,767 variables with Stata/MP and Stata/SE or 2,047 variables with Stata/IC; these are the maximum allowed in the dataset. test and testparm perform Wald tests. prefer variables lists instead. I'm trying to write a . EDIT: The question has been perfectly answered by Maarten below but I would just add the code I was using for precision. Here is the malfunctioning code: levelsof codes, local (levels) gen category = . You seem to use the single quote on both sides. In the following codes, we tell Stata to do the same thing (the computation: c*9/5+32) for each of the variables in the varlist: mtemp1 to mtemp12. Macros are strings we assign to represent variables, values, texts, commands, statements etc. foreach v of varlist mtemp1-mtemp12 {. drop fmtemp1-fmtemp12. 8). I have a variable called graduate_secondary. The best solution I could come up with is to use 'local' (see example below). Do not confuse varlist with list. give the renamed variable the label of the old variable. All the extra stuff about by, if and in could be confusing. To start, no comma after "factor" and before varlist. -ds- remains documented on-line in Stata 9. Treatment of adornment An element of a list is said to be adorned if it is enclosed in quotes. Jul 22, 2014 · "Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. Shortcuts to refer multiple variables. gen `x'`t' = `x'[_n-`t'] Putting two variable names into a local only to take them out again does no harm, but is pointless otherwise. * regression: xi: reg ly lfte3 fteptaa124 fteftaa124 if count3==1 & selectie==1. ds. (Stata is not C; they're similar in many ways, but this is a key difference. 前言. In a foreach loop you can tell Stata you are providing a varlist. global regressant var4 var5 var6. Many statalisters. 4 varname and varlists. rename the variable as var1. 6. 4. ci hq me hx ou et pn wf pf eb